Saturday, June 13, 2015


Strawberry and peach season has started and I couldn't be more excited! I remember going on field trips to pick out strawberries as a child. It was so much fun! We would spend the day outside, eating, and choosing the very best ones. We then would come home with a bag full, and mom would make jam or some type of dessert with them. Yum yum!

I usually get my strawberries at the farmer's market. They are quite large, flavorful, organic, and pesticide free. Unfortunately most conventional strawberries contain up to 45 types of pesticides, some known to be pretty harmful to your health.  I personally buy the organic ones to avoid this issue.  But if you decide to buy the conventional ones, just make sure to wash them thoroughly.

Peaches are also among my favorites, as they are so juicy and tasty. One of the best things to eat on a hot summer day to both nourish and hydrate.  I figured these two would pair nicely in a smoothie together and I was right! Since I like to sneak some greens in my smoothies to make them healthier, this one was no exception as I added some spinach. Spinach is very mild so it doesn't affect the taste, but adds so many nutrients to the beverage. This is definitely a good way to get kids to eat their greens.  

I usually freeze extra fruits so that I can use them in smoothies. If you are using fresh, I would suggest you add some ice to the blender.



1 cup of strawberries
1 peach, pitted
1 cup of spinach
2 tablespoons of walnuts
1 cup of vanilla flavor non-dairy milk ( I used my homemade vanilla cashew milk recipe)


In a high speed blender, put all the ingredients together and blend until very smooth


This will make 1 serving.

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